Thursday, May 5, 2011

Six Month Update.....

Today my friend Carol and I were working on my book.  Interestingly enough, as we were working through the chapter it hit me.  My whole life I have tried to please people, but often it was never good enough.  They always seemed to find fault with me or something I did.  I took the attitude, "it's useless so why even try."  I gave up on myself.

Today I saw what the years of negativity and abuse did to me. I turned to Carol and said, "I am the result of abuse."  I know I have been very lucky and fortunate that I am still alive and on this earth to pass along my story.

I know I have said this before, but without Tiffany and Erika I would not be out walking every day.  We have been doing this since January.  People keep telling me I am looking good, but I can't see it because I see myself every day.  One thing that has helped me is by taking pictures of myself every six months or so.  I had a picture of myself from right before I came to Texas. Then a year later in October 2010, I had another picture taken.  Yesterday we took another to mark a "six month" photo (yes I know it was 7 months) but you get the drift.  I thought I would share those photos with you.

Interesting enough tonight when I showed them to someone, they said, "Yes you have lost some but you got a long ways to go."  Really!!  What gave you the first clue Dick Tracy!  My reply to him was, "Really thanks for telling me that I didn't know!  Bless your heart!"  And for those that are from the South knows that when "Bless your heart is followed with a comment it is not good! 

I know many have said they didn't see the pounds come off with giving up sugar and soda.  I didn't either, then again I don't weigh myself.  But seeing these pictures, I can see a slight difference.  I can hardly wait to get to the point (when I have a job and $$) that I can get my hair cut and colored! 

So thank you all for your support and following.  I have gone back and forth with the no sugar and no soda, but it works for me so I am going to continue to do it.  I may have the sugar on special occasions, but now know I can leave it alone. Soda doesn't bother me anymore.  Slowly I am changing my habits with chips.  I either get a small .25 cent bag, or go with tortilla chips and salsa.  I haven't bought bread in a while, and go more for the nuts for my grains.  I leave bread for special occasions such as Easter. I am amazed by changing my habits, I have changed my eating patterns.

I hope you will continue to follow my blog.  It will be interesting to see where I am a year from now as we do our 5K and fifteen months from now when I attend my 35 year high school reunion.  If there is one thing I have learned it is to keep at it and


  1. Congratulations Laura! Thanks for the motivation. I won't give up.

  2. You are an inspiration!!!!! Really! Love you!

  3. Wow! Phewy on Dick Tracy! I think you've lost a lot of weight and you're on a great track! It's hard to see big success at this stage, but as you keep at it, you'll see it exponentially later! You are an inspiration to me! Today, I'm trying (for the 20th time) no sugar for 1 week. With 5 small children, it's really hard, but I see your success and I think maybe I can, too. Keep up the good work!
